Have you ever wondered why 100 years ago cancer was a rare disease but today, There are many kinds of cancer and it is estimated 1 out of 4 people will get cancer in their life!!
The answer to cancer
has been known for many years!
Vitamin B17 was the subject of great controversy over 20 years ago when some of the world's top scientists claimed that when consumed, the components of certain raw fruit seeds make it 100% impossible to develop cancer and will kill existing cancer in most cases.
Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin is found in most fruit seeds, namely apricot seeds. The apricot seed was claimed as the cure for all cancers over 35 years ago(SOURCE : ALL NATURAL SCIENTIFIC CANCER INFORMATION)
B17 In Apricot Pits
The Hunza Valley in remote Pakistan, where residents are reported to be immune from cancer due to their consumption of laetrile (amygdalin) B17 in apricot pits.It is the cyanide component of laetrile B17 that kills cancer cells. Laetrile was used as a cancer treatment long before the modern controversy erupted over its use.
As early as 1845, doctors were using purified amygdalin (laetrile) to treat cancer patients. In the 1920s and 30s travelers to the Hunza Valley in Pakistan claimed they couldn't find a single case of cancer among the people who lived there and attributed it to the apricot kernals that contained laetrile B17 in the Hunza diet.In controlled studies, rats with cancer appear to live longer when given leatrile B17. Most of the human studies have employed purified oral or intravenous laetrile B17, not apricot pits which are widely sold as a cancer remedy. The renowned Dr. Hans Nieper of Germany later endorsed laetrile B17 for prevention of cancer, but not as therapy for existing tumors.
It was even more strongly claimed that when one eats about 7 apricot seeds per day they can never develop cancer...Just as one can never get scurvy if they eat an orange every day, or pellagra if they have some B vitamins every day.
These sunny fruits are among the most favorite and most healthy foods of modern healthy life-style followers. Health benefits of apricots include numerous therapeutic properties of this natural remedy, such as its ability to treat constipation, various skin problems, strained muscles, earache many more. Apricots are rich in Vitamins A, B2 and C, as well as with useful natural sugars.
Studies have shown that B-17 helps to increase the body's ability to fight cancer. B-17 does this through the creation of hydrogen cyanide, which is released into the body's tissues. This compound then attacks and subsequently destroys cancer cells. It is not used alone, however, but rather in conjunction with other important processes that involve enzymes, a diet that favors anti-carcinogenic foods and exercise. Clinical tests have shown that B-17 reacts well with vitamins A, C, E, B-15, pancreatic enzymes and other nutrients in order to break down malignant cells.
B-17 is also touted as being able to reduce arthritic pain. It has shown itself to lower high blood pressure, strengthen the immune system and generally contribute to maintaining good health. As with most nutrients, it is best to consume B-17 as a part of those foods that contain it.